The Adventures of Peter Pan...
It was to a standing ovation and cries of excitement when our kids at the HOG Broadway Academy Club staged 'The Adventures of Peter Pan'
'Peter Pan the Musical' is an adaptation of J.M.
Barrie’s story about a Peter Pan, boy who never grew up. The three children of the
Darling family receive a visit from Peter Pan, who takes them to Never Land,
where an ongoing war between Peter’s gang of rag-tag runaways and the evil
Pirate Captain Hook is taking place.
The show was a 12 Children cast,who rehearsed tirelessly for 9 months and we couldn't be more prouder of them , when they came on stage and lit up the hall with a brilliant performance!
To find about more about our programs, please click on the links below:
Helen O Grady Drama Academy Lagos Island
HOG Broadway Club
You can also call us on 2348091900700, 2348093561000 or email us on
Great fun activities for kids. Music inspire kids a lot.